Some Notes on Col Space Test:


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Col Space Test explores the three dimensional (red, green, blue) colour space in various ways.

It does this by representing a range of colours in different ways through both the use of different representational spaces and the symbols used to represent individual "points" (locations) in the chosen (colour) space.

There are three main representational strategies used to represent the colour space:
The relationship between these spaces can be explored via the menu.

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There are also two types of colour space:

And two ways of representing these:

Additionally, the proportions of each red, blue, green component can "coded" in terms of the colours generated by the respective "wave" space.

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It is also possible to "rotate" the assignments given to the three colour components
-and to "twist" the entire space  by swapping the paramenters  

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The main parameters are expressed by the items in the menu tabs:

(Select Process)
-Offers a choice of Colour Spaces and the way they are represented.

(Select Base Number)
-Offers a choice between 2 and 12 for the number of elemsnts forming one dimension of the 3D Colour Space.

(Select Rotation Angles)
-Offers a choice of 1 to 9 angular divissions rotating elements in the Colour Space.

(Select Parameter Twist)
-Offers a choice of 5 different permutations of the dimensions of the Colour Space.

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Use left mouse button to selct menu options
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